Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Crack House?

So you'd think if people were living in it, had their children and grandchildren over to visit all the time AND baby sat other peoples' kids, SURELY the house would be livable by....people.

The front porch covered in junk. The window that is still in the door is duck taped in, as well are the wasps that live inside of the wall at the top corner.

They emptied the freezer contents in the back yard. It rotted and stank and made all four dogs puke for weeks. Wow, thanks...

Oh yeah, then there's the all the garbage that they threw in the cistern. There is something wrong, really wrong with people who poison their own water source.

We call them doodlebugs (wood lice)

Every day is a new adventure finding what shim-sham thrown together piece of trash idea left behind by them. For more horrifying pictures and info, visit the BeanRoadFarm blog.

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